Using an initial investment of private capital from landowners, developers, and builders, these districts are able to construct and issue low cost tax-exempt financing for public water, sewer, drainage, park, and road facilities to serve residential, commercial, and industrial developments.
In our role as creation counsel, general counsel, bond counsel, and special counsel for special purpose districts, we bring a vast range of experience to the table to find solutions for the range of issues faced by both developers and communities. We advise and assist regarding creations by the Texas Legislature and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, relationships between the district and overlapping state and local government entities, district organization, confirmation and bond elections, public infrastructure financing with bonds, and regulatory and statutory compliance.
For over 40 years, our lawyers have been key participants in the major developments affecting special districts in Texas. We continue to serve in important roles to ensure that the agreements, statutes, rules, and processes affecting special purpose districts are conducive to building sustainable, vibrant communities.
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Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP | Site by FOSD
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Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP | Site by FOSD
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP | Site by FOSD
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP | Site by FOSD